

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Allignment: Merlin

Merlin: Neutral Good
Arthur: Chaotic Good
Gwen: Lawful Good
Morgana: Chaotic Evil
Uther: Lawful Evil
Gaius: Lawful Neutral
The Great Dragon: Neutral
Nimueh: Neutral Evil
Lancelot: Neutral Good
Freya: Chaotic Neutral
Mordred: Chaotic Neutral
Morgause: Neutral Evil
Gwaine: Chaotic Neutral
Leon: Lawful Good
Elyan: Chaotic Good
Agravaine: Neutral Evil

Four Temperaments: Merlin

Merlin: Melancholic, Sanguine
Arthur: Melancholic, Choleric
Gwen: Melancholic
Morgana: Melancholic, Choleric
Uther: Choleric
Gaius: Melancholic, Phlegmatic
The Great Dragon: Melancholic, Choleric
Nimueh: Choleric
Lancelot: Melancholic
Freya: Melancholic, Phlegmatic
Mordred: Melancholic
Morgause: Choleric
Gwaine: Sanguine, Choleric
Leon: Melancholic, Phlegmatic
Elyan: Melancholic
Agravaine: Choleric, Phlegmatic

Allignment: The Lord of the Rings

Aragorn: Neutral Good
Gandalf: Lawful Good
Gimli: Chaotic Neutral
Legolas: Neutral
Boromir: Neutral
Frodo: Neutral Good
Sam: Lawful Good
Pippin: Chaotic Neutral
Merry: Chaotic Neutral
Faramir: Lawful Neutral
Bilbo: Chaotic Neutral
Denethor: Neutral Evil
Theoden: Neutral Good
Eowyn: Chaotic Neutral
Galadriel: Lawful Good
Elrond: Lawful Good
Saruman: Lawful Evil
Sauron: Chaotic Evil
Gollum: Chaotic Evil
Thorin: Chaotic Neutral
Balin: Lawful Good
Bard: Chaotic Good
Smaug: Neutral Evil
Thranduil: Lawful Neutral
Tauriel: Chaotic Neutral
Kili: Chaotic Neutral

Four Temperaments: The Lord of the Rings

Aragorn: Melancholic
Gandalf: Melanchloic, Choleric
Gimli: Sanguine, Choleric
Legolas: Melanchloic, Phlegmatic
Boromir:Melancholic, Phlegmatic, Sanguine, Choleric
Frodo: Melancholic
Sam: Melancholic, Phlegmatic
Pippin: Sanguine
Merry: Sanguine
Faramir: Melancholic
Bilbo: Melancholic, Sanguine
Denethor: Phlegmatic, Choleric
Theoden: Melancholic
Eowyn: Melancholic
Galadriel: Melancholic
Elrond: Melancholic, Choleric
Saruman: Choleric
Gollum: Phlegmatic, Melancholic
Thorin: Choleric, Melancholic
Balin: Melancholic, Sanguine
Bard: Melancholic
Smaug: Choleric
Thranduil: Melancholic, Choleric
Tauriel: Melancholic, Choleric
Kili: Sanguine