

About Myers Briggs

Before I explain what Myers Briggs is all about, I would just like to say that I don't take Myers Briggs seriously. This might seem strange, since this blog is mainly about Myers Briggs, but let me explain. Myers Briggs is a personality typing system, and like all personality typing systems, it is not 100% accurate. It isn't even 80% accurate. As trait theories go, Myers Briggs is not especially scientific. If you want a more scientific personality typing system, you might want something more like the five factor model. I have seen so many people treat Myers Briggs as if it is the law. In my opinion, this isn't a good idea. No one should attempt to completely define themselves by a list of traits.

All that said, I find Myers Briggs to be incredibly fun. Not for typing real people (though that can be fun too) but for typing fictional characters.

In Myers Briggs, there are sixteen different personality types.
If you would like to find out your own type, here is a link to an online test. Remember not to take your results super seriously.


So, in Myers Briggs theory, your personality type is determined by these four things:

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Do you use sensing or intuition?
Are you a feeler or a thinker?
Do you judge or do you perceive?

Here is an explanation of introversion and extroversion.

Here is an explanation of sensing and intuition.

Here is an explanation of thinking and feeling.

Here is an explanation of judging and perceiving.

Each of these eight types have a letter to represent them. You're either an I or an E, and S or an N (They used up I for introversion), a T or an F and a J or a P.
So that makes sixteen personality types:

For a detailed analysis of each of the types, please click on this link: (the link goes to an INTJ profile but if you look on the right hand side of the page you'll notice that it contains links to all the other personality types).

And here is another link to more information on each of the personality types:

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