

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Divergent Factions: Eon

Eona: TEST: Dauntless, Erudite CHOICE: Dauntless
Della: TEST: Erudite, Amity CHOICE: Erudite
Ryko: TEST: Dauntless CHOICE: Dauntless
Ido: TEST: Erudite CHOICE: Erudite
Kygo: TEST: Dauntless, Erudite CHOICE: Erudite


  1. Hello! This may or may not be random, but please hear me out. I'm harmless, I promise. :-)

    I've got a couple of questions:

    What's your MBTI type? I'm an INFP. Quite honestly, I don't buy into the other theories much. Except maybe enneagrams, but I need to do more research on that. Wait a minute, ignore that question. You're an INTJ. I can read. But yes, I'm an INFP.

    Would you mind terribly if I asked for people from If I Stay? I don't know if you've read it, but we seem to have overlapped a lot of books, so that might be interesting.

    And on a more 'businessy' level, how popular is your blog? I've got one of my own (self promotion alert: http://lifeis-butaminuet.blogspot.com/), and I get roughly two robot views a day. It's sad. :-)

    I realize how weird this might be, but I thought since we're about the same age (I just turned 16 today), it might be interesting to get to know you. None of my friends are into personality typing. :-/

    However, you shouldn't feel obligated to answer me. I'd love it if you would, but no pressure.

    Alright, now I feel like you're going to judge me because INTJ[ness, and I have a friend who's an INTJ (I'm pretty sure) and very judgey. Though you seem quite different from her, based solely on your book preferences. Never mind. It's up to you. :-)

    Nice talking to you,

    1. Hello. Thanks so much for your comment. I really love hearing from other people who are interested in personality types. I am an INTJ, but in a lot of ways, I'm more INFP/INFJ-ish. I like reading fiction and I'm really not very judgey.

      I actually don't think that any of the personality typing systems that I use on this blog are very accurate (except MBTI). I just use them for fun.

      I haven't read If I Stay, yet. I've been meaning to read it for a long time. I hear it's really good. Maybe I'll read it soon.

      My blog gets on average 30 views a day. My other blog (theeruditeravenclaw) gets way more. It usually gets more than 100 views each day. I have no idea why it gets that many views.

      Your blog is awesome, by the way, and I'd love to get to know you.

    2. Hi! I'm definitely relatively new to MBTI, but since then it's been a lot of fun. I'm not a textbook INFP, though. I've got a good number of INTP characteristics. Logic is good.

      Well, good for you. I've never placed much importance on the Divergent or House systems, though I don't know why. I just take them as they're given to me and get on with the story. My loss, I suppose. :-)

      You definitely should read If I Stay! Oh my goodness, I can't tell you how many times I've reread that book.

      Congratulations! I'm theorizing that this has a lot to do with the fact that you've got such a relatable topic. I got here by Googling Po's MBTI type, so yeah. Relatability. MBTI nerds love applying MBTI to every aspect of life.

      My blog is not quite as relatable. It's more a collection of my ramblings in the pretense of organization. So unless someone really cares about what I think, or likes reading one-sided debates, I'm doomed. Oh, well. All in good fun. :-)

      Have a lovely day.

    3. I'll put If I Stay on my "To Read Soon" List.

      I spent a long time looking at your blog yesterday. It's very interesting. We have a lot of the same interests.

      I'm just wondering, what country do you live in? I live in Canada.

    4. Oh, good. When you're done with that, I'd recommend the sequel. It's not as good as If I Stay, but it's also not bad.

      Why, thank you. :-) Which interests besides reading?

      US, though I don't mention it anywhere on the blog because I don't think it needs to be a defining thing about me and also people will have to look harder if they want to stalk me. Another thing is that I'm a bit of anglophile, so this way I can pretend to myself that I'm from England.

    5. I love England to. I've never been, but I'm hoping that one of these days my family will go on vacation there.

      As for the interests we share: Browsing the internet for a long time, writing down random thoughts (I don't do this on my blog, though. I do it in a notebook), jokes, writing poetry, word and number puzzles and codes. You also got me obsessed with the games 2048 and entanglement.

      I'm curious, how did you figure out your MBTI type?

    6. One day it will happen. I'm telling you. One day.

      Hm. That's interesting. Do you keep a notebook for writing things? That's where I put any stray thoughts that enter my mind when I don't have time to expand upon them. It's funny, because I'm actually better at free verse poetry than I am structured. But I always think the structured kind is more official or legitimate or something. And you're welcome for that. 2048 was life- destroying until I finally beat it.

      I took the test a few times and got INFP. For about a year that was sufficient. I think I got distracted by something else; I don't remember. But some at point this summer, I started doing more in depth research, double and triple checking that INFP was my type. I've had a couple of times where I though I was another type. First I thought I might be and ISFJ, and then I thought I was an INTP. That's when I learned about the cognitive functions, and now I'm pretty secure in my type, but if promptend, I'd say I'm a very INTP-ish INFP. You?
